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Make the most of your Schengen travel allowance

Instantly calculate your 90/180 travel allowance for every day in your calendar

The app's dashboard

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The Schengen calculator made simple.

The app's calendar, highlighting that your allowance is displayed under each date

Maximise your allowance

Below each date in your calendar, you’ll find your Schengen travel allowance if you were to enter on that day.

Quickly see if your future plans fit in, and never worry about not having enough allowance left to take a planned trip.

The app's dashboard

Your dashboard

Know how long you could stay in the Schengen Area if you arrived today.

At a glance see when you’re next entitled to a full 90-day stay.

Adding a new 5-day trip to Italy from the app's calendar

Never overstay

We'll always warn you of any risks of overstaying, so you can plan ahead and travel with peace of mind.

Schengen Simple has been specifically designed to tackle the rolling 180-day period, so you’ll always know exactly how long you can stay in the Schengen Area.

An example of the Schengen Simple calendar showing one 5-day trip to Germany, with a variety of allowances displayed on the screen.

Lightning fast calculations

Unlike other Schengen calculators, Schengen Simple’s unique algorithm is able to instantly calculate your travel allowance for every day in your calendar.

No need to nominate a date of entry.

Example of the app's Passport Control page which shows how many days you've been in the Schengen Area if checked on a particular date.

Passport Control

Passport Control mode can assist you in showing officials, such as border agents, the duration of your Schengen Area stays when checked on a particular date.

Example of the allowance detail page, showing which trips are contributing to your allowance being what it is (both past and future).

Allowance analysis

Know why your allowance is what it is for a given date. Easily identify which trips you could edit to stay longer.

Deep understanding

The Schengen rule can be complicated, but it doesn’t need to be. Find lots of useful information, such as if the rule applies to you and specifics on the Schengen Area.

Try out Schengen Simple for free.

AppStore button to download Schengen Simple for free

Available on iPhone, iPad and Mac

What our users say about Schengen Simple

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TY Schengen Simple for making my travels so much less complicated. Working out Visa rules and allowances is no longer a nightmare!- so easy to use - love the new addition of having a summary when crossing borders (passport control) - genius. Highly recommended app


I had been struggling to understand the “rolling 180 days” concept. I tried a few apps, ended up even more confused. I even tried working it out on paper! Then I tried Schengen Simple. It is so straightforward, with clear views of status on days available, days used, and clear explanations every step of the way. You can even try putting additional dates in to see if it takes you beyond the 90 days. Takes all the stress out of planning trips.


In a complicated sea of 90/180 legislation this is the best Schengen calculator I have come across. As well as being intuitive to use and clear in presenting your allowance there is a wealth of helpful advice and the new updated version has some neat additional features; Overstay and Passport Control. The calculations are rapid and make for efficient journey planning. A vital tool if you are likely to maximise your 90/180 allowance!


I love this app, makes my life so easy. It’s extremely intuitive, easy to use and includes all you need to calculate the days left,the exact date when your days run out, and the first day when you can enter again (it warns you if you’re running out of days!). You can immediately see in the calendar the days left per each hypothetical date of entry in the future - counting all the past and future trips you’ve already entered. So just looking at the calendar you know when you can enter and for how long. I loved the design too!!


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Not an Apple user?

We're currently working on the Android version of Schengen Simple, and Web is on the way. Let us know that you're interested, and we'll make sure to notify you when they are released.

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